Krishna Pakasha Diet (KPD)

The Krishnapaksha diet is one of the best Indian diet plans to reduce body weight and loose fat. Krishna means dark and paksha means side but it refers to phases of fifteen days, counted from full moon day (Purnima) to new moon day (Amavasya).

This diet is a unique kind of Indian diet plan which can be made for continuous 15 days only as 1 course of the diet. If you follow and make the diet in the same way, definitely it can give you the best result. That’s why many people are practising the Krishna Paksha diet.

Please note: This diet is recommended for normal people and not for any person who has health issues please consults a health profession before starting the diet.

Let’s understand how to begin, You can start the Krishna Paksha diet (KPD) only on a full moon day and you have to end it on a new moon day.

In this diet, there is no restriction for morning breakfast (it doesn’t mean you can eat too much..!!), you have to follow KPD lunch at the noon, and KPD dinner at the night, if possible to you, then please avoid evening tea or coffee too, but strictly don’t opt for snacks.

Preparation: Read carefully, first be sure of, what portion you eat normally, and arrange a glass bowl or a food-grade transparent plastic bowl, of the same measurement and you can name it the KPD bowl. Divide its depth into 15 levels and mark it on the same bowl’s external side (the mark should be permanent, you can use a photo marker pen for it) and number its levels 1 to 15 vertically in ascending (starting from the bottom to upward).

Once the KPD bowl is ready, you can start your diet on full moon day.

Before you start your diet, please ensure your weight on the same day morning on empty stomach (check weight after using the restroom).

KPD Diet Plan:

Every morning, with an empty stomach, please drink a minimum of 2 glasses of lukewarm water, and a glass of hot water (hot refers to your regular tea or coffee cup temperature) every day before you sleep. This practice should be compulsory while the diet period and also you can make it a regular habit for the best result.

KPD Noon Chart

NOON: In the KPD diet, you have two options. 1 is rice and 2 is pulka as per your choice. if you prefer rice, then you can have it in a cup (100ml size) with the following KPD chart for noon and if you prefer pulka, then you can have a single pulka with the KPD noon chart. (night chart will be separately mentioned below the KPD noon chart.

Day 1 (Strt from Full moon day) 1 KPD bowl full (up to the mark level 15) Baked single vegetable of your choice, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.
Day 2
Fill up to mark level 14 of the KPD bowl,
Green salad of your choice, with salt and pepper & squeeze 1 full lemon.
Day 3
Fill up to mark level 13 of the KPD bowl,
Baked 2 vegetables of your choice, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.
Day 4
Fill up to mark level 12 of the KPD bowl,
Sprouted serials and a green salad of your choice, with salt and pepper & squeeze 1 full lemon.
Day 5
Fill up to mark level 11 of the KPD bowl,
Baked 3 vegetables of your choice, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.
Day 6
Fill up to mark level 10 of the KPD bowl,
Green salad of your choice, with salt and pepper & squeeze 1 full lemon.
Day 7
Fill up to mark level 9 of the KPD bowl
Baked 4 vegetables of your choice, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.
Day 8
Fill up to mark level 8 of the KPD bowl
Green salad of your choice, with salt and pepper & squeeze 1 full lemon.
Day 9
Fill up to mark level 7 of the KPD bowl
Baked 5 vegetables of your choice, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.
Day 10
Fill up to mark level 6 of the KPD bowl
Green salad of your choice, with salt and pepper & squeeze 1 full lemon.
Day 11
Fill up to mark level 5 of the KPD bowl
Baked vegetables of your choice with channa, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.
Day 12
Fill up to mark level 4 of the KPD bowl
Green salad of your choice, with salt and pepper & squeeze 1 full lemon.
Day 13
Fill up to mark level 3 of the KPD bowl
Baked mix vegetables of your choice with channa, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.
Day 14
Fill up to mark level 2 of the KPD bowl
Sprouted serials and a green salad of your choice, with salt and pepper & squeeze 1 full lemon.
Last Day (new moon day)
Fill up to mark level 1 of the KPD bowl
Baked mix vegetables of your choice with some Dal, no masala, no oil or ghee to be used, only salt, pepper, and tamarind for taste.

KPD Night Chart

Night: Water as required & You have to follow the chart only. No rice or pulka.

Night 1 (Start from Full moon day) 1 KPD bowl full (up to the mark level 15)Papaya Fruit with a pinch of pepper and 1/4 lemon squeeze
Night 2
Fill up to mark level 14 of the KPD bowl,
Carrot & Capsicum Salad with
pepper, salt & 1/2 lemon squeeze
Night 3
Fill up to mark level 13 of the KPD bowl,
Apple & Papaya Fruit with a pinch of pepper and 1/4 lemon squeeze
Night 4
Fill up to mark level 12 of the KPD bowl,
Baked mix veg of your choice and sprinkled salt, pepper, and 1/2 lemon on it.
Night 5
Fill up to mark level 11 of the KPD bowl,
Papaya Fruit with a pinch of pepper and 1/4 lemon squeeze
Night 6
Fill up to mark level 10 of the KPD bowl
Carrot & Capsicum Salad with
pepper, salt & 1/2 lemon squeeze
Night 7
Fill up to mark level 9 of the KPD bowl,
Baked mix veg of your choice and sprinkled salt, pepper, and 1/2 lemon on it.
Night 8
Fill up to mark level 8 of the KPD bowl,
Musk Melon & Papaya Fruit with a pinch of pepper and 1/4 lemon squeeze
Night 9
Fill up to mark level 7 of the KPD bowl
Baked mix veg of your choice and sprinkled salt, pepper, and 1/2 lemon on it.
Night 10
Fill up to mark level 6 of the KPD bowl
Carrot & Capsicum Salad with
pepper, salt & 1/2 lemon squeeze
Night 11
Fill up to mark level 5 of the KPD bowl
Papaya Fruit with a pinch of pepper and 1/4 lemon squeeze
Night 12
Fill up to mark level 4 of the KPD bowl
Baked mix veg of your choice and sprinkled salt, pepper, and 1/2 lemon on it.
Night 13
Fill up to mark level 3 of the KPD bowl
Musk Melon & Papaya Fruit with a pinch of pepper and 1/4 lemon squeeze
Night 14
Fill up to mark level 2 of the KPD bowl
Baked mix veg of your choice and sprinkled salt, pepper, and 4/3 lemon on it.
Night 15 (New moon) (Amavasya)
Fill up to mark level 1 of the KPD bowl
Baked mix veg of your choice and sprinkled salt, pepper, and 1 full lemon on it.

Thats it.. Check your weight next morning..!!

Also, you can try herbal products together for a remarkable result.